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Showing posts from January, 2015

Apple Challenge Google and Dropbox

Apple launched a cloud-based storage system is the latest named iCloud Drive to rival Google Drive and Dropbox. The new service is similar to Apple's iCloud, but it provides a better experience to control the files are stored online. iCloud Drive has a user interface similar to Dropbox and other file storage services. Users can sort and organize their files as needed to create a folder. After synchronization, the files stored in iCloud Drive can then be accessed from a Mac computer, as well as the iPhone and iPad. Apple provides 5GB of free storage space per user. Apple iCloud Drive treat this like iTunes available for Windows operating systems. Of course, Apple wants to profit from the competitors platforms.

15 Cara Membuat Kopi Yang Mantap Untuk Dinikmati

Teman-teman pasti udah tau kan kalau cara membuat kopi itu ada bermacam macam, mulai dari yang manual sampai yang otomatis. Sekarang ini juga udah mulai bermunculan kedai kopi yang menyediakan metode membuat kopi manual yang bermacam-macam. anda juga bisa beli sendiri alat-alat membuat kopi manual ini dan tinggal mempelajari cara-caranya yang nggak susah-susah banget kok kalo rutin dicoba 1. Drip Method (Kopi Tetes) Metode ini disebut juga dengan Filter Method. Sampai saat ini, drip method merupakan cara membuat kopi yang paling populer karena kesederhanaan dan efisiensinya Cara pembuatan : Air dituang ke kopi bubuk yang diletakkan di atas kertas saring, menuju ke bejana kopi. Untuk menyeduhnya, cukup panaskan bejana kopi tersebut dan kopi siap disajikan 2. French Press Nah, metode yang satu ini pasti udah sering banget anda temui di kedai-kedai kopi. French Press mempunyai nama lain Plunger atau Cafetiere. Metode French Press mengekstrak paling banya...

Alcatel Pixi 3 Support 3 OS

As an appetizer , the French company revealed that they will release a series of unique mobile phone called Pixi 3 . The mobile series is unique because it can support three mobile operating systems at once , namely Windows Phone from Microsoft , Android from Google and Mozilla's Firefox OS . It is unknown whether all three simultaneously stored in the device or the user may choose one of the three OS . 3 Pixi will be available in four landscape display , at 3.5 inches , 4 inches , 4.5 inches , and 5 inches . Pixi series 3 with the smallest screen will only support 3G network connection . Meanwhile, the rest supports 4G LTE network . Specifications of this product series itself is still yet to be revealed . However , like most cell phone products over the years, Siemens stated that the Pixi series 3 will be released to the market at an affordable price .